====== installall MagicMirror on Waveshare ======
{{ :lx:pi:mm:waveshare:mm-waveshare.jpg?200|}}
==== Sources ====
* [[https://www.pi-shop.ch/13-3inch-magic-mirror-voice-assistant-touch-control|the Device at Pi-Shop.ch]]
* [[https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/13.3inch_Magic_Mirror|Waveshare Wiki for installation]]
* [[https://phoenixnap.com/kb/update-node-js-version|Update NodeJS]]
* [[https://smartbuilds.io/smart-mirror-touchscreen-raspberry-pi/|SmartBuilds.io MagicMirror with Touchscreen]]
===== Base System =====
installiere ein neues Raspbian auf der SD Karte, am besten via Raspi Installer.
Danach solltest du das System aktualisieren mit ''sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade''.
===== Install Magic Mirror =====
Download MM Package from [[https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/releases/|GitHUB MagicMirrorPage]] in my case it was Version 2.20.0.
git clone https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror
cd MagicMirror/
npm install --only=prod --omit=dev
==== clean Config and first Start ====
''cd ~/MagicMirror; cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js''
start it with ''npm run start''
==== Install MMM-RemoteControl ====
Das Module Remote Control gibt dir eine Fernsteuerung via http. Der grosse Vorteil an diesem Modul ist aber auch, dass du von hier aus neue Module installieren kannst.
Ich kann das Module nur empfehlen, es macht dir die Administration einiges einfacher.
==== Install MMM-MacAddressScan ====
Zum sichergehen, dass du alle Abhängigkeiten erfüllt hast, solltest du folgendes installieren:
sudo apt install arp-scan
npm install ping
npm install sudo
diese haben bei mir alle gefehlt.
==== Install MMM-Modulebar ====
==== additional Modules ====
Beim anschauen der Liste der zusätzlichen Module sind mir folgende aufgefallen:
* [[https://github.com/nixnuex/MMM-SwissCommute|SwissCommute Swiss Timetable via Sear.ch]]
* [[https://github.com/Lavve/MMM-MagicMover|MagicMover]]
* [[https://github.com/shbatm/MMM-Carousel|Carousel - wechselnde Bildschirme]]
* [[https://github.com/FlatPepsi17/MMM-WeatherGraph|WeatherGraph]]
* [[https://github.com/roufri/MMM-SwissLakeTemperature|SwissLakeTemperature (Zürisee, Greifensee, Genfersee)]]
* [[https://github.com/EbenKouao/MMM-SmartTouch|smartTouch]]
* [[https://github.com/jesmak/MMM-FlightRadarTracker|FlightRadarTracker]]
* [[https://gitlab.com/khassel/MMM-Flights|Flights with Map]]
* [[https://github.com/nischi/MMM-News-QR|News-QR]]
* [[https://github.com/Menturan/MMM-OpeningHours|OpeningHours-GooglePlaces]]
* [[https://github.com/hayseedbyte/MMM-Reddit-News-Ticker|Reddit Ticker]]
* [[https://github.com/gueguet/MMM-CyberSecurityNews|CyberSecurity News]]
* [[https://github.com/MichMich/MMM-WatchDog|WatchDog]]
* [[https://github.com/gfischershaw/MMM-Touch|Touch]] rsp. [[https://github.com/gfischershaw/MMM-Touch/wiki/Manual|Touch Wiki]]
Diese könnten interessant sein...
==== zusätzliche Kalender zum anzeigen ====
* [[https://onlinekalender.info/feiertage/schweiz/ics|Schweizer Feiertage]]
==== weitere Ideen ====
* [[https://github.com/shbatm/MMM-OnScreenMenu|OnScreenMenü]]
* [[https://github.com/EbenKouao/MMM-SmartTouch|SmartTouch]]
* [[https://github.com/jesmak/MMM-FlightRadarTracker|FlightRadarTracker]]
* [[https://github.com/gueguet/MMM-CyberSecurityNews|CyberSecurityNews]]
===== Server & Client Mode =====
Because the Raspi inside the Waveshare MM is very weak in Terms of Performance, I would try to run it in Server and Client mode.
So we copy over the whole Code to an other Raspi and run it there in Server Mode. This Way the Raspi in the Waveshare MM only needs to display the "Browser" Window.
Start the Server part with ''npm run server'' and the Client with ''node clientonly --address --port 8080''
==== Update NodeJS ? ====
During Install, I see, we need NodeJS Version 14 or newer. On my Raspi there were NodeJS in Version 12, so we have to upgrade NodeJS... No! I did it, and afterwards I was not able to get FlightRadar running. The Client was rejected and
===== Control Monitor Settings =====
In order to be able to change the Brightness and Backlight of the Monitor you need to tweak a few things.
Idea taken from [[https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/14357/waveshare-magic-mirror-touch-screen/12?lang=de&page=2|MagicMirror Forum Post by aprilmaccydee]]
==== Enable i2c in boot.ini ====
Edit ''nano /boot/config.txt'' \\
Add: ''dtparam=i2c2_iknowwhatimdoing'' \\
and then reboot the Raspberry
==== Install ddcutil ====
installieren mit ''sudo apt install ddcutil'' \\
testen ''sudo ddcutil detect'' \\
Das sollte ungefähr folgendes ausgeben:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ddcutil detect
Display 1
I2C bus: /dev/i2c-2
EDID synopsis:
Mfg id: RTK
Model: RTK FHD
Serial number: [redacted]
Manufacture year: 2011
EDID version: 1.3
VCP version: 2.2
==== get Values ====
wenn es funktioniert, dann kannst du z.B. die Helligkeit anzeigen mit: \\
''sudo ddcutil getvcp 10 to get the brightness''
==== set Values ====
''sudo ddcutil setvcp 10 [1-100]'' \\
zum setzen der Helligkeit, wobei 1-100 die gewünschte Helligkeit darstellt. 0=dunkel 100=ganz hell
==== known Values ====
^Number^Description^Values (default)^
|10|Brightness|1-100 (20)|
|12|Contrast|1-100 (50)|
|14|Color Preset|0x01 = sRGB|
|16|Red Color Gain|1-100 (50)|
|18|Green Color Gain|1-100 (50)|
|20|Horizontal Position (Phase)|0-100 (0)|
|22|Horizontal Size|unsupported|
|30|Vertical Position (Phase)|0-100 (0)|
|32|Vertical Size|unsupported|
mit ''ddcutil getvcp all'' werden alle verfügbaren VCPs angezeigt.
Weitere Infos auf der [[https://www.ddcutil.com/commands/|DDCUtil Seite]] [[https://www.ddcutil.com/raspberry/|Raspi spezifisch]]