====== SenseHat ======
{{ :lx:pi:sense-hat.jpg?nolink&200|}}
==== Links ====
* [[https://pi-buch.info/sense-hat-mit-python-steuern/|Laufschrift mit Python]]
* [[https://www.circuits.dk/datalogger-example-using-sense-hat-influxdb-grafana/|Datalogger mit InfluxDB und Grafana]]
* [[https://pythonhosted.org/sense-hat/api/|SenseHAT API Reference]]
==== Python Scripts ====
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sense_hat import SenseHat
sense = SenseHat()
sense.rotation = 180 # Display-Rotation
sense.low_light = True # Dimm LEDs
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from time import sleep
# LED an aktueller Position einschalten, an der
# bisherigen ausschalten
def setLED(x, y):
global oldX, oldY
# LED an alter Position ausschalten ...
sense.set_pixel(oldX, oldY, (0, 0, 0))
# und an neuer Position einschalten (rot) und
# diese Position merken
sense.set_pixel(x, y, (255, 0, 0))
(oldX, oldY) = (x, y)
# Setup
sense = SenseHat()
sense.rotation = 0
(x, y) = (4, 4) # Startposition
(oldX, oldY) = (0, 0) # vorige Position
setLED(x, y)
# Event-Loop
print("Programmende mit Strg+C")
while True:
o = sense.get_orientation()
if 20 < o['pitch'] < 90 and x>0:
x -= 1
if 270 < o['pitch'] < 340 and x<7:
x += 1
if 270 < o['roll'] < 340 and y>0:
y -= 1
if 20 < o['roll'] < 90 and y<7:
y += 1
# LED an neuer Position einschalten
setLED(x, y)
except KeyboardInterrupt: