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install MagicMirror on Waveshare

This text is in english to reach more people.


Base System

Install the Base System via RaspberryPiInstaller

Install Magic Mirror

Download latest MM Package from GitHUB MagicMirrorPage in my case it was Version 2.20.0. Download and Unpack it with

tar -xvzf v2.20.0.tar.gz

but better clone it with git:

git clone
cd MagicMirror/
npm install --only=prod --omit=dev

During Install, I see, we need NodeJS Version 14 or newer. On my Raspi there were NodeJS in Version 12, so we have to upgrade NodeJS

cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js

start it with npm run start

Install MMM-MacAddressScan

To make sure you have all dependencies, issue a

npm install ping
npm install sudo

as those both were missing in my case.

Install MMM-RemoteControl

Install MMM-Modulebar

additional Modules

additional Calendars

additional Ideas

Server & Client Mode

Because the Raspi inside the Waveshare MM is very weak in Terms of Performance, I would try to run it in Server and Client mode.

So we copy over the whole Code to an other Raspi and run it there in Server Mode. This Way the Raspi in the Waveshare MM only needs to display the "Browser" Window.

Control Monitor Settings

In order to be able to change the Brightness and Backlight of the Monitor you need to tweak a few things. Idea taken from MagicMirror Forum Post by aprilmaccydee

Enable i2c in boot.ini

Edit nano /boot/config.txt
Add: dtparam=i2c2_iknowwhatimdoing
and then reboot the Raspberry

Install ddcutil

Then sudo apt install ddcutil
Run sudo ddcutil detect

You should see an output like:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ddcutil detect
Display 1
   I2C bus:             /dev/i2c-2
   EDID synopsis:
      Mfg id:           RTK
      Model:            RTK FHD
      Serial number:    [redacted]
      Manufacture year: 2011
      EDID version:     1.3
   VCP version:         2.2

get Values

If you do, you can then run:
sudo ddcutil getvcp 10 to get the brightness

set Values

sudo ddcutil setvcp 10 [1-100]
to set the brightness, where 1-100 is the desired value of the brightness

known Values

NumberDescriptionValues (default)
10Brightness1-100 (20)
12Contrast1-100 (50)
14Color Preset0x01 = sRGB
16Red Color Gain1-100 (50)
18Green Color Gain1-100 (50)
20Horizontal Position (Phase)0-100 (0)
22Horizontal Sizeunsupported
30Vertical Position (Phase)0-100 (0)
32Vertical Sizeunsupported
lx/pi/mm/waveshare-install.1668007772.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 09.11.2022 15:29 von Andy Haubenschmid