



Tastaturbelegung CH

Die Orginal BashBunny /root/udisk/langugages/ch.json hat ein Fehler, die öffnenden Curly Brackets '{' haben dort einen ScanCode von 40,00,35 was bei mir nicht funktioniert. Durch tüfteln habe ich den funktionierenden ScanCode gefunden: 40,00,36 funktioniert.

hier die angepasste ch.json

    "__comment":"All numbers here are in hex format and 0x is ignored.",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"This list is in ascending order of 3rd byte (HID Usage ID).",
    "__comment":"  See section 10 Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)",
    "__comment":"  of document USB HID Usage Tables Version 1.12.",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"Definition of these 3 bytes can be found",
    "__comment":"  in section B.1 Protocol 1 (Keyboard)",
    "__comment":"  of document Device Class Definition for HID Version 1.11",
    "__comment":"  - byte 1: Modifier keys",
    "__comment":"  - byte 2: Reserved",
    "__comment":"  - byte 3: Keycode 1",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"Both documents can be obtained from link here",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"A = LeftShift + a, { = LeftShift + [",
    "__comment":" ",
    "__comment":"opening CurlyBracket { has a scancode of 40,00,36 for me and not 40,00,35 ",
    "__comment":" (W) 14.09.2024 by AHa ",
    "__comment":" ",
    " ":"00,00,2c",
lx/hak5/bashbunny.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 14.09.2024 15:00 von Andy Haubenschmid